Empowering through animal-based learning for social integration and life skills.

HomeAbout EQUAL

Who we are & what we do

Founded in 2015, EQUAL (an IPC charity) strives to transform lives through Animal-Assisted Services. EQUAL partners with animals to provide experiential and educational programmes that help empower vulnerable persons such as children, youths, persons with special needs, families, and seniors by enhancing their social and emotional well-being and supporting social integration in a safe environment — building resilience and inclusive communities.

Animal-Assisted Learning (AAL) is an experiential programme facilitated by instructors partnering animals, where participants develop vita social-emotional and relationship skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Each year, we proudly serve hundreds of clients from various institutions, including schools, children’s homes, nursing homes, and other social service organisations.

Our Vision

We aspire to transform lives through Animal-Assisted programmes to build resilient and inclusive communities.

Our Mission

We empower vulnerable persons by enhancing their social and emotional well-being and social integration in partnership with animals and communities.

Core Values






For a full list of our donors view our annual report

Partners that made it possible …

For Enquiries

Do reach us at the following